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The Identity of Polytheists In the West


If you are a polytheist, you believe in multiple deities. These deities, called pantheons are part of many religious rituals and sects. Monotheism believes in one God, which is contrary to polytheism. The major difference is that monotheism believes in one God, while polytheism believes in many gods.


Polytheism is a type or form of theism in which multiple gods are worshipped. This type is usually associated with different religious rituals and sects. Monotheism, however, is a belief in one God. Both polytheism and monotheism have their benefits and drawbacks.

Monotheists historically denigrated polytheism as well other forms of religious belief. Some have even accused polytheists, of moral laxity. Modern scholars of religion favor polytheism because religion is an evolutionary process.


Many West-based polytheists are having trouble defining their identities. It can be difficult and confusing to identify polytheism, given the many historical precedents as well as the nuances that can complicate it. We will examine the identity of West polytheists, and identify some characteristics that distinguish them.

polytheism religion

Consider first the role of polytheism for the expansion of religious freedom and human rights. White western cultures are notorious for excluding or banning polytheistic religions. Despite these negative aspects polytheism has led to an increase in religious rights.


E. B. Tylor a historian who tracks evolution of religion in the world, believes the argument that monotheism innately superior to polytheism, is flawed in more than one way. Many critics view this theory as disrespectful for non-monotheistic religious systems and as disregarding the ethical, virtuous and moral aspects of polytheism. Even if duBois was correct, it is crucial that we recognize the ethical and virtuous qualities of polytheism and not ignore them.

Monotheists are long against polytheism. They claim that the idea and practice of multiple gods is a threat to the rational unity of God. Other critics argue that stories of the gods' wars and loves sanction the concept of moral relativism. Furthermore, polytheism has been associated with idolatry, especially in the Abrahamic religions.


Polytheism is a tradition that dates back to ancient Greece. Later, the Romans adopted polytheism which was based upon a well-structured pantheon. This belief in many gods eventually gave rise to a variety of religions. Many polytheists today are monotheistic. However, the roots for the polytheistic belief system can been traced back to prehistoric human beings.

Polytheism, a major religious phenomenon, has received far less attention than it should. It is sometimes referred to as a stage in between monotheism (primary religions) but it can actually be found within both.

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Identifying characteristic

A polytheist is someone who believes in more than one god. A polytheist can be used to refer to many different groups. These include ancient cultures and modern societies. While they share some common practices and characteristics, these groups can also be distinguished based on their different religious practices.

Polytheists believe not only in one god but also in many gods. They accept many gods but some are tied specifically to certain places, families, occupations or problems. This makes it hard for polytheists choose one god over the other.


The Identity of Polytheists In the West